
Electric vehicles (EVs) are transforming the automotive industry with their innovative technology and environmentally friendly advantages. Unlike traditional vehicles that run on internal combustion engines, EVs use electric motors powered by batteries.

How EVs Can Cost Extra

Although EVs demand less maintenance overall, the repairs they do require are often more technical and require specialized knowledge and equipment. As a result, if something does go wrong, the cost of fixing an EV can be higher compared to a traditional gas-powered car. For example, battery replacements can easily cost thousands of dollars. Repairing

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EVs & Auto Insurance

Wondering how much it costs to insure an electric vehicle? You can generally expect higher costs compared to a gas-powered car, due to higher value and increased repair costs. This is a greater risk for your insurance company, which leads to a green premium for early adopters. Don’t worry, though. The money you save on

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Do EV Batteries Have Enough Range?

When electric vehicles were first introduced, range anxiety was a real concern for owners.  Charging stations were fewer and farther between, making longer trips less feasible. But today, electric vehicles are compelling options for all kinds of lifestyles. Many of the latest EVs offer a driving range of at least 250 miles, and the lifespan of EV batteries looks

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